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Can you share some of your herxing stories? DD started with her Lyme meds on Friday night and immediately "regressed"/"herxed"?


For at least the past year we have seen this with her. We have always attributed it to an exposure to strep. I was expecting this reaction with the start of the meds and so am happy that she showd signs of an exacerbation. But, what does this mean? She was a wreck yesterday and is much better already today. We've seen this pattern before. Can I hope that this time it is different since she did start the Lyme meds?


Also, I did a lot of reading on herxing and saw that some people mentioned that when a symptom showed itself in a herx, oftentimes it never came back. I have a hardtime believing they are talking about PANDAS children. Can anyone lend some insight here?


Thanks so much...

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