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I have posted before and after going to the Homeopath my son has stopped ticcing. I am not sure if it was the diet, nystatin, fish oil or just a period of no tics. I am of course hoping they do not return but I am very aware that they might. The only issue now is the fidgeting. It is not really a big issue but I was wondering if anyone can help me with the supplements/vitamins that I could give him for the fidgeting.


Although I saw a doctor I cannot afford to return because money is an issue but I would really like to address this issue. Any advice would be appreciated.


You know fidgetig is what I am noticing with my son. His tics are almost gone, just noticable to me. But the fidgeting when reading a bedtime story or through dinner is noticable. In looking for the cuase, I thought it is perhaps that through supplementation or for me juice theropy I am giving him additional energy. Remember children have a natural high level anyway. When added to the mix additonal B's , etc., they are like us on caffine. I choose not to worry so much on this one. BUt if you do, look through a supplement book and reference what he/she is taking. A good book will list some side effects. Good Luck.



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