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This is an update of the detox treatments. My son has finished his third once a month DMPS IV treatments and this past weekend he had two DMSA treatments. He will now have 5 days off until the next weekend treatments of DMSA. So far the improvements that we have seen is a new decrease of tics overall, none on Sunday and when he was ticing he was able to control it for hrs at a time. A first. His face looked relaxed this Sunday and Monday morning, a long time since that, and he watched 3 1/2 hrs of TV in a weeks period of time with no tics during or afterwards. A first. We believe that the whole TS thing is actually heavy metal poisoning and once we get out the heavy metals most if not all of the issues should be gone for good. I am posting this not to push the detox that we are doing but to encourage parents to get their kids tested for heavy metal posioning and then if needed to look at the many types of detoxing that are out there and have been tried and tested by DAN doctors and holistic practioners.



It's terrific to read about the success your son is experiencing as a result of the detox. Can you describe a bit about what the treatments are like for him, before, during and after?





He is six years of age which actually makes the whole thing easy for me for he still thinks I'm godlike. The IV has a pressure cord tied around his arm briefly to get the viens to show more promptly. Then a IV needle is placed into his vien. Once that is worked out the pressure cord is removed and the IV is tapped into place. A slow drip takes place and is roughy 15 to 20 minutes long. He is getting a solution of Gluthaine, NAC and DMPS. DMPS is not approved in this country but can be obtained from a compounding pharmacy. Note only a handful of doctors are trained with this in this country so if anyone is thinking about this expermential procedure make sure the doctor you choose has a long case load of treatments and is not jumping on a bandwagon. DMPS was developed by Russians for chemical warfare treatment. A lot of chemical warfare weapons use mercury by the way. DMPS is considered safe in Europe, outside of England, and could even be brought over the counter in Germany. We were scared at first to use this treatment for there is some negative websites about it on the internet but one has to wonder who and why these websites were created and posted in the first place. So far no one under my DAN doctor's care has had any negative reactions and he has done hundreds of them. Once again this treatment is done once a month and if you just type DMPS into a search engine you will see alot of sites to visit. More details of this treatment could also be found on the DAN paper that can be found at www.AutismResearchInstitute.com under Treatment Options for Mercury/Metal Toxicity in Autisum and Related Developmental Disabilities Consensus Position Paper. The DMSA that we give to our son is a suppository and my wife handles that. My wife was not for what we were doing at first and gave in out of despair but now that we are seeing positive results she is a very active person in the treatment process. There are so many detoxing methods with DMSA and DMPS from IV's, pills, lotions, suppositories, etc that you really should read the paper a few times over. There are also other treatments in the paper that rely on vitamin B's and other natural sources for detoxing. All are backed by research, test groups and cross reference studies. It is real medicine based upon science. Another thing you might want to look at is NDF. I have read some great things about it and Heather along with killing the yeast issue in her son can give a personal positive statement about it. That is the nice thing about this website. No one is trying to sell anything. We just are trying to share information so the information is more based on fact. But remember everyone has different side issues. For example my son could not take any pills for his stomach had to be avoided. At least for now.


More personal, we try to make all the treatments have a positive aspect about them. For example everytime we drive to Miami I give him an agenda to choose from of things to do afterwards and with the DMSA we allowed him to watch TV which is a big thing in our house. We also explain why we are doing and what we are doing. He wants the tics to end and he wants to eat other foods so he accepts things after we talk about it on his level. Note I saw him at lunch today and he was smiling with a relaxed face and talking his face off at. So we hope things are working as they seem to be now.

Guest Guest

Hi Andy,


It’s so great to hear the good news from you. I totally understand how you feel about seeing his relaxed face. We’re also doing the “detox†(he has heavy metals, mercury, cadmium, and antimony), but using the “nature chelation†approach (i.e., supplements). The progress is very slow not mentioned he almost reacted to each single new supplement that’s introduced to him. Thanks again for the sharing. It surly gives us the encouragement.



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