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Does anyone recognise these symptoms?

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My son's eye and facial tics have returned - set off I think by a pollen allergy - I am going to try Bonnie Grimaldi's vit and supp program. However, for some months he has had a small cluster of small white pustules inside each nostril - not painful, but definitely odd. He also gets lots of mouth ulcers. Sound familiar to anyone?

Thank you!

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Sorry to hear that your son's tics have returned. It seemed that everytime we got them under control they came back months later worse then they were before. That is why we went for the detox option. We are banking on the premise that the heavy metals are the real trigger and that is what needs to be removed.

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Just wanted to reply about the mouth ulcers, I have had them a few times over the years. In University it seemed related to stress during exams - in the last few months I started having them again and I assumed it was stress due to what my son was going through. They were very painful and I would get clusters that would heal after a week and within a week another cluster would appear. Ultimately after doing some research I realized I had switched toothpaste brands and there is something in some brands - ALS - can't remember for sure what it was - but think that was the short form - it is in Crest but not regular Colgate. Once I went back to my regular brand the ulcers have not come back. Not sure if it is a factor for your son but wanted to mention it.



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Hi all and Hapy Mothers Day.


Mouth Ulcers are a sign of a vitamin deficiency. I used to get them all of the time, especially when I had all of my mercury fillings removed I must tell you I experienced ulcers from the roof of my mouth down passed my tonsils. They were quite painful and my doc told me seven days from start to finish. My older son would continually have these mouth sores as well. We no longer have them. It is about 4 months since any of these ulcers reared their ugly heads. Since we have used juiced theorpy minor everyday things like this just stopped cold turkey. I'll look within my book about these mouth sores and get back to you about what dificiency it is, but I do remember reading about this and saying to myself "AHHH, that's why and come to think of it -it no longer happens"


Allison- I am so sorry to hear about this latest issue with your son. If you remember last Jan., my girlfriend told me that my son might be experiencing seizures. I don't remember if you took your son to the neurologist or not, but if you did not it might be a comfortable move to make the appointment to rule out anything serious. It will be a long wait for the appointment and I am sure that whatever is troublesome now will no longer be there when his appointment comes around, but best to err on the side of caution. Hang in there and remember we are all here for you.



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Hi, I scanned through one of my books and puss-filled pimples in or around his nose might very will be boils. Boils are caused by the impourities in the blood stream resulting in bacterial infection through the sweat glands or the follicles of the hair. The use of sulfa and other drugs may have reprercussions. A boil is not an infection of the skin, it is the bodys own natural defense to eliminate waste matter because the body is impacted with the accumulation of waste. I know most people prefer to use supplementation or OTC remedies, but it is very important that your child has daily or better yet twice daily movements. I juice, but for those who do not ...please have your child eat the green leafy veggies along with enough fruit and nuts for fiber. Once your child starts to properly eliminate waste daily you will see a big change in the skin, hair, mental clarity, etc. This is not an overnight thing and it is a constant keep on top of your childs diet, but the end results do benefit your child and teaches your child the nutritional benefits that will lead to a healthy adult.


As for the mouth sores, I'll take a look at my other books but I don't have them with me right now. Good luck.



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Thank you for your posts. The toothpaste thing is interesting, we use a bicarb of soda toothpaste because I read that some of the ingredients in regular toothpaste weren't all that good.


My son is good with his vegetables and eats fruit willingly - is regular in his movements etc. Doesn't drink enough during the day at school though I think.


I'm really hoping he picks up when we start Bonnie's vit program as he looks pretty awful at the moment - his eye tics are off the chart, which affects his mood, he has a bad rash around his mouth - all of which has affected his mood badly.

:) I feel a bit alone in this as we are waiting to see our paediatrician who we haven't seen in a year and when we did see him last he did not seem to know much about using diet/detox/vitamins/yeast elimination (all things I've seen mentioned on this site) and wasn't very open and seemed pretty sceptical. Don't feel he is much help. Does anyone know of a good place to start looking for a health professional who really knows about all this stuff in the UK?????

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