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Hi all,


I'm new to latitudes so bear with me if I am not in the right place.


Our resume:

13 year old boy - tics - they are terrible right now and starting to affect his school. DX when he was 10. They seem to really bother him at the moment. Lots of vocal tics. I can hear him while I am on the main floor and he is in basement.


10 year old girl - Sudden onset of OCD and Anxiety at New Years. We are looking into PANDAS. Just waiting for bloodwork to come back next week.


10 year old girl - Anxiety, ADHD and Learning DIsability.


1 very stressed out Mom and 1 very stressed out Dad lol


Suggestions on Natural treatments? I have read about LCD tv's are better for the tics. What about florescent lights? Do they have an affect on the tics? Thinking of going Organic/ or semi organic anyway. (it's expensive)


We live in Hamilton, Ontario. Would a Naturopath be helpful. My son wants to go on medication for the tics. I am not really keen on that. Any suggestions for types of testing I should be looking at as far as blood tests, allergy tests etc?





Posting in Tics/Pandas/ADHD/LD

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