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Hi all,


I'm new to latitudes so bear with me if I am not in the right place.


Our resume:

13 year old boy - tics - they are terrible right now and starting to affect his school. DX when he was 10. They seem to really bother him at the moment. Lots of vocal tics. I can hear him while I am on the main floor and he is in basement.


10 year old girl - Sudden onset of OCD and Anxiety at New Years. We are looking into PANDAS. Just waiting for bloodwork to come back next week.


10 year old girl - Anxiety, ADHD and Learning DIsability.


1 very stressed out Mom and 1 very stressed out Dad lol


Suggestions on Natural treatments? I have read about LCD tv's are better for the tics. What about florescent lights? Do they have an affect on the tics? Thinking of going Organic/ or semi organic anyway. (it's expensive)


We live in Hamilton, Ontario. Would a Naturopath be helpful. My son wants to go on medication for the tics. I am not really keen on that. Any suggestions for types of testing I should be looking at as far as blood tests, allergy tests etc?





Posting in Tics/Pandas/ADHD/LD


Hi DandV --


Given daughter's sudden onset, I really think you're doing the right thing, looking into PANDAS. As for your son, having been diagnosed with a tic disorder at 10, can you look back at the time at which he was diagnosed and also recognize any "sudden onset" or even a dramatic exacerbation of the behaviors within a short period of time? Many times, if there's one PANDAS/PITANDS in the family, the genetic susceptability can be there for more than one.


My son was diagnosed with OCD (we only see tics when he is really wound up with the anxiety) when he was 6; we inquired about PANDAS but were waved off. Finally, when he had a dramatic and rapid "ramp up" in those OCD behaviors at 12, we got some traction with investigating PANDAS, and he has improved dramatically with antibiotics. So it's possible that, even with the extended timeframe between the original diagnosis and now, your boy might be helped as well as your girl with investigating a PANDAS diagnosis and treatment protocol.


I'm not as well versed on tics, so hopefully you've posted this question on the Tourettes board, also, and you'll get some feedback regarding supplements and natural rememdies there.


As for OCD (and tics to some extent, too) PANDAS families use a lot of anti-inflammatory supplements in an attempt to decrease inflammation in the basal ganglia and subdue some of the behaviors: fish oil, Vitamin D3, quercitin, curcumin, coconut oil. We also use some amino acids like n-acetylsteiceine and taurine for glutamate modulation.


Good luck to you!

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