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Hi all!


Well the last month has shown to be great. I started introducing things back into his like life chocolate chip cookies. Which, by the way, are made from brown rice flour, organic unrefined sugars and all other good stuff and oh yes I baked them. I guess I got jealous of Allison doing all that baking :)

But anyway things were really great and I even allowed a little more TV into the house (LCD) but I noticed that he would do silly things like fall to the floor for no reason or when at Grandma's in front of his cousins he wacked his head on the table on purpose. I mean these things I am noticing are few and far between and when I speak with him he tells me that he just did it because it was funny or just wanted to. I told him that he can hurt himself like that and whatever urge he has to do that he should wait a moment and think about if it will hurt him. He seemed comfortable with that. Because he is just 6 and at 6 you do some silly things I want to believe that it is a part of the growing process. But because of his history with tics can anyone tell me if this is part and parcel of the picture or am I just being a worry wart?




Hi Marie,


As always your post rings true for me as well. My son continues to do really well although he did have another cold but only very minor increase in tics - but the other day at school his behaviour deteriorated out of the blue - calling out, being silly etc. In the end we think it may have been partly the illness and maybe that the lights were on full in his class as it was dull outside and they were doing art. That evening he complained that his eyes felt heavy - back in the fall I think a lot of his acting out in class was a distraction as he was having problems focusing due to his eye tic at that time. The next day I kept him home for the morning to give him a short day, and the teacher said he was fine for the afternoon.

Anyway...I also watch him like a hawk and there are times I have to remind myself he is a 6 year old who will act silly at times, or starts to test limits which is the newest thing, talking back a little, which he has not done before the way he is now...but again these are developmental milestones for kids - testing limits is normal, being silly can be normal etc. But I fully understand your concerns - I would just keep an eye on things - and make note of behaviours and foods to see if there is a correlation. Sounds like he is being silly to show off with his cousins. Hope your baking is turing out ok. Mine is still a work in progress! The kids seem ok with it which is all that really matters.


Glad you are doing well and comfortable to start adding stuff back. We have started to reduce vitamins.


Hi Allison;


I'm glad things are going well with you. The baking stuff is going well...if you knew anything about me...Betty Crocker I am NOT. But I guess months without chocolate chip cookies has altered his taste buds. I think he would eat shoe leather if it had chocolate in it :)

I'll take your advise on just being 6 and enjoy the silliness...even though it makes me want to bang my head from time to time.


Enjoy the day!



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