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to Andy & other detox for heavy metal like Mercury

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Guest daniel


I do believe the mercury in vaccines affected my child..

Does detox works?

How does it works?

Have your kids show symptoms free?

I know Claire's kids are 18 months free..but I am not sure from detox.

Please help.




Daniel there are many ways to detox the body for metals and you are going to have to find the one that fits best. For us, stomach issues were a concern so we went for the DMPS IV and starting the DMSA suppositories this weekend. I am concern about potential liver damage so we will not use the DMSA for long. The detox agents that I have mentioned works by removing the heavy metals from the body's tissues, bones and organs and then flushing it out thru urine or fecal matter. We also use a ton of supplements to help with the detoxing as well as epsom salt baths that the body absords sulfur from. Sweating, epsom salts, mineral baths and clay are some of the natural and oldest forms of detoxing and are very effective as well. Heather uses NDF which I believe is plant and chlorophyll based and is said to be great. The detoxing is just the third part of treatment that I have used for my son. The first two are an elimination diet and supplements. Both are based on on going blood testing for delayed allergies and shortfalls. My son has made great strides in so many ways. 4 years ago was truly scary. However, there have been set backs as he got older too. The tics became more varied and at times as frequent as at least one every 10 seconds from morning to dusk. That was why we took the step for drastic detox. You should read all the recommended websites and postings before you make your decision. But it seems that you are on the right track.

Guest Daniel


is there a doctor/clinic to guide you through all this..?

it sounds scary to go at it alone..

why is it the local TS chapter don't help us with alternative medicine?

when it started out for your child, was it mild for the first few years and got worst as

the child gets older?


Is this same pattern for all kids?


My wife thinks since he is still 5 and highly stress and the symptoms are mild, she decides not to do anything drastic, when it gets worst we will do something about it..

I am sure people will say..no one knows..

I have spoken to Dr William Walsh he thinks there are 3 types of TS based on body chemistry.

The one with better success is imbalance of zinc/copper..


Do you think in near future 2 or 3 years from now we will have a better understanding of all this, especially the main stream doctors?


thanks Andy..




Daniel, this website is the mecca of information. Not only the postings of the advance members but also the websites that are recommended to be looked at for doctors, treatments, research, etc....look at Claire's and especially Chemar's latest posting of a website. They pretty much has everything and more in one location that took me 4 years of searching to find. Look at Shelia Rogers's postings of doctors and DAN papers. It is a wealth of information. With all of that at your finger tips you have the opportunity to know more then most doctors and then know what the knowledgable doctors are talking about. If you need help getting organized then just find a local DAN doctor or someone from Dr. Dan Walshes group and you can not go wrong. They will set everything up for you from testing for delayed allergies, to supplements to different types of detoxing depending on which way you go. Most of what has been coming out since the start of this year has been amazing. For most of 4 years I have been searching in a fog and now the sun is shining. Look for the light for the light will heal.

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