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Yet another discovery, pointed out to me by dd7 ... she showed me a spot on her foot that "hurts when you press it." Looks like a very new plantars wart. ARen't these caused by a virus? If so, could this have any impact on symptoms??


Yet another discovery, pointed out to me by dd7 ... she showed me a spot on her foot that "hurts when you press it." Looks like a very new plantars wart. ARen't these caused by a virus? If so, could this have any impact on symptoms??


My PANDAS daughter has prob 8 warts that started about 2 years ago also? I am curious as to whether they are linked or not also?


Yes......they are caused by a virus and PANDAS kids can react to viruses, so, I'd say if your child has warts, they were exposed to the virus that causes them....therefore, a possible uptick in symptoms. However, the warts can remain long after the virus has been inactivated. My younger son had 3 warts...one on his pinky finger, one on his pinky toe (both common warts) and one planter wart on the bottom of his foot. They were there for quite some time....I was hoping they would resolve on their own.....they do mostly, but, it can take years. So, we took him to the derm..he put some kind of "crushed beetle juice" (no joke,,my son thought that was awesome) on them...they blistered up and the two little ones came off in days. I had to continue with Comppound W on the planter wart after he bathed for an additional 2 weeks...then one day, he pulled it out of his foot! (it was dead by then) Yikes! But, they are gone, and no new ones are emerging, so, I am assuming the virus has been taken care of.

Posted (edited)

I don't know if you can...short of a viral panel to see if there is still IGM activation ...then, that would mean it is currently still active.


I am guessing that my sons virus (what is it that causes warts.......? the human pappiloma virus???)...anyway, I am guessing it is dormant right now because of the lack of PANDAs symptoms, the warts are gone, and no new warts are poping up.


When I said "dead" I was referring to the wart...not the virus. Once the warts form, they can remain for years even after the virus is dormant. The body just keeps feeding them....many eventually get cleared by the immune system over time with no treatment...but those stubborn ones, especially the planter warts that hurt the kids when they walk..well, I wouldn't wait.

Edited by P.Mom

Well, this is gonna be one for the books, if we have to go the route of getting it removed :angry: My oldest had to have one removed when she was about this age...they cut it out with a scalpel, after giving her a shot to numb it....which didn't take...she was FREAKING OUT ( and this is one of my non-pandas kids)....had to give her another shot (with the nasty doctor sternly telling her there was NO WAY she was feeling anything). After the second shot took, dd was quiet, albeit shaken. Oh, please, please let us NOT have to get the wart cut out...please!!! Enough already :lol:


After reading the posts I started thinking that i had not checked my ds12s wart recently. He showed it to me probably mid-June. I brought it up at his well child check up end of July. The ped looked at it and confirmed it was a wart. She offered to freeze it. I asked if this would cause a response to the immune system. Of course than answer was, yes. Since it was on his foot (outside of foot right above his arch) and not bothering him I did not want to risk freezing it and eliciting an exacerbation of pandas symptoms. I asked ds to see ihis foot this AM And it was completely gone! Curious if it had anything to do with the valtrex he's been taking since Nov for recurrent canker sores or just a coincidence.


Does anyone know how long these types of viruses are active versus dormant?


I'm thinking about my younger one, dd7 who caught molluscum last August. She's had some low-level PANDAS symptoms that have not gone away with abx. Mild lip-licking, reassurance (yesterday we went to a Chinese New Year festival and she asked me 11 times if I still had her bear in my purse.) Anyway, we went to the dermatologist and did the beetle juice, but they would not touch the ones "in the buttocks crack" bcs it can do more harm than good. Plus new blisters continue to appear. Apparently this can go on for 18 months! Does that mean the virus is active all that time? I would think new blister/bumps/warts mean the immune system is still being challenged, huh?


Her symptoms are mild to me in that she is happy with friends, does well at school and is slightly needy at home. At this point, I see her as a "close watch" but seeing she is on prophylactic azith, I don't think I'm willing to take her treatment any further at this point. So, I'm wondering if these low level symptoms are not necessarily a "shift of baseline" but a long, mild reaction to a virus that can hang around for an extended period of time?


I found this:


The virus lives only in the skin and once the growths are gone, the virus is gone and you cannot spread the virus to others. Molluscum contagiosum is not like herpes viruses, which can remain dormant (“sleeping”) in your body for long periods and then reappear. So, assuming you do not come in contact with another infected person, once all the molluscum contagiosum bumps go away, you will not develop any new bumps.


I don't know if the same is true for warts.....could google again B)


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