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Thanks for your valuable post. When you say juicing, what do you do? Your elaborate reply on this would help me a lot. My son hates vegetable juices but like fresh fruit juices. Anyway, please let me know the method that you use for the juicing ..






My sons too hate veggies, but they have no other option. Mainly I do carrots, spinach and cucumber. The carrot juice is tasty and although the spinach changes the carrots to marine green the taste is still good. I do about 8 to 16 oz a day of a 80/20 mix of carrot and spinach daily for the boys. They drink it with breakfast and it takes about 20 minutes of sipping through the straw and quite a few "finish your juice" comments throughout breakfast but once done I'm happy and they are nurished. The little on who is 6 does not complain much. It was easier to change his pallet than his older brother who is 12. The results are amazing. It sounds silly to say, but it is the truth. Juicing is not for everybody because it takes a while to actually see results and you have to be committed to it. It takes me about 1 hour to 1 and 1/2 hours daily to shop/wash/cut/juice/drink and clean-up. Curing through nutrition is lengthy and I suggest that if you juice for someone else you should partake in the juice yourself so you may feel the benefit. If you do not drink it yourself you will try to see reactions to the juice and sometimes things are not visible, i.e., the calrity of mind, the stamina, the energy level, less anxiety, etc. Prior to seeing the lessening of tics, these things must, should and will be felt. I did it as a family as so no-one felt punished and we all benefitted from it. I have been doing this since January, the real test will be this fall when my sons allergies are at their worst. If he does well, I will know that juicing was worth the effort in helping his asthma. For now I know it helps with preventing the flare up during a virus.


I hope I answered your question. Whatever you choose good luck.






Thanks. Do you use a special veggie juicer for that or do you use the normal fruit juicer. Do you add salt/pepper for tast or just plain carrot/spinat/cucumber? Do you filter and throw away the skins?




I use a Norwalk juicer. It is not sold in stores, just mail order. It is a titerating juicer with an hydraulic press. Meaning that one part grinds the veggies into a cloth bag and then you place the cloth bag onto a hydraulic plate and it actually squeezes out the juice. I chose this juicer because there is no heat to destroy the vitamins/minerals. Centralfugal machines as purchased in the local stores are good for fruit juices but cannot compare to the nutritional value of a Norwalk. Check out the site Norwalk.com (I think). It is a big investment because the juicer is expensive. I got mine used on E-Bay and it was still expensive. But I have to say well worth the money.

As for veggie prep. Buy orgainc veggies. Carrots just need to be scrubbed with a veggie brush, cut the part where the stem is about 1" and snip a little from the bottom end. Buy spinach with the root on and send it in stems and all. Cucumbers are peeled because of the wax. And if you choose to do celerey (which is great for the nuero system) wash and juice. Just remember that carrot is always the base by 80% and that celerey will drop body temp, so if it is cold you may chose to use less. I am waiting until it is hot to introduce celerey to my little one. THe older one gets it because he is into sports and it increases his stamina because of the sodium content.


Good luck,




Wow, Marie! How did you ever learn about such nuances as the properties of celery that you just described? Any advice on how to get started and how to figure out which veggies to use?




Absolutely, there is a book that is about 7 or 8 dollars called Fresh Fruits and Vegetable Juices by Norman Walker. This book has all of the 411 you will need to understand the body. You learn about the properties of the veggies and it actually has formulas to use for speecific illnesses. Although tics are not in the book, I use the formula for the neuro system. Just rememebr that carrots naturally detox the body and the base for all veggie juice is carrot (in this book anyway). You can find this book on the Norwalk site or at AMAZON.Com. Whatever you choose remember that your body absorbs 100% of all vitamins and minerals of the juice within 15 minutes of drinking it and you do not have to worry about overdose. The only thing that freaks people out sometimes is that they lose their pasty white look. The beta-carotene from the carrot causes the skin to turn a sun tan color. This is normal and not harmful and quite attractive I may add. Any other questions, just post :)



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