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DS is having a hard time in 3rd grade. We met for an IEP/FBA today to discuss getting him further help. DS was diagnosed pdd-nos at the age of 5. dr k diagnosed him pandas last summer. One HD IVIG with only two weeks of typical child then re-exposure. Switched back to Dan dr, took off augmentin and now on zith. Zith worked for him in prior two years but dr at that time was not consistent with prescription.

In the school meeting today wewere getting to the part of the fba where it said "what medical issues could be attributing to the behavior?" I had to actually walk out of the room. I was going into an all out panic attack. My heart was coming through my chest  and I felt like I couldn't breathe.

I've never experienced anything like that in my entire life. The librarian gave  me a box of Kleenex and I went back in and couldn't look at anyone for about twenty minutes. I had a b12 in my purse and put it under my tongue. In ten minutes I was fine.

I can't even tell you what they said. After more than two years why are we back in this position again?






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Johnsmom --


Just another few words of empathy and support. Been there, done that. Even though we don't get a lot of push-back from a majority of the decision-makers in our school district, there's always one person on the other side of the table who's job it is to limit the district's culpability and financial investment in our DS. It's incredibly nerve-wracking and sometimes downright physically painful. No matter how prepared I am for each meeting, and how much I psych myself up beforehand, my throat threatens to close up, my heart rises up into the back of my throat, and my eyes well up when I open my mouth to advocate. I don't have to go to the gym and work out on meeting days because I've already gotten a full-body work-out by the time I walk out of that room!


Hang in there! When you can, raise your head to look around the room again, seek out that pair of eyes across the table that express compassion and understanding for your kid. And then reach out to that one person, especially, with your words and your passion. You WILL get what your child needs!

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