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OCB &on-line therapy

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Hi all, I have a kind of a problem and I need some advice if you can give me one. I think I have OCB, and I really want to do something about it, but the nature of my activity do not allow me to go to a therapist; however, I want to do something about it, since this is becoming quite annoing for me my colegues. Rigt now I'm willing to try e-therapy (it is my onli option at the moment), and my question is if any of you have ever experineced e-therapy in this kind of illness, and if so, with what results, or what should I expect with this kind of therapy?

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Guest Guest_Sheila Rogers

Alfonse, in some cases, e-therapy might help someone if they had a good understanding of what was expected and what could be achieved, and the person helping was skilled. Is this a free service? Do you know someone else who has done it and found it useful with this person?


What about telephone consultations--do they appeal to you?


You might want to read a book by Tamar Chansky, PhD. (Amazon sells them.) She has lots of good practical suggestions, some of which you could do on your own.


I hope this helps --please let us know how you make out.

What country do you live in? Sheila

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