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Oh my... Dr. Elizabeth Latimer??? She is in Bethesda, MD!!! Does she really treat PANDAS patients successfully and is she current on research??? My ex (her dad) was opposed to taking her out of state anywhere for a while, but I think he is onboard with just getting her well at this point - I'm going to post right now for feedback on her! Thank you, THANK YOU!!!


Thanks Vickie!


I have at times described it like she is a child possessed. When it is over, if she remembers or does not and we try to re-connect the memory loss for her, she is very upset that she could possibly have behaved the way we tell her. Sometimes, I wonder if trying to re-capture that is helpful or harmful... obviously, we don't want the disassociation to continue... I just want her well again and to have a normal life... like we all do.


Now that things are a bit calmer, wanted to update that she woke this morning her happy, bubbly self. Glad to eat a good breakfast, glad to help with things around the house... remained that way for a few hours. She's not quite as upbeat right now and I thought she might be heading into another episode a little while ago. So, I tried something different this time - gave her meds immediately - the Ibuprofen and the Diphenhydramine (Benadryl... kind of a lower dose), had her eat, she is reading a book and so far, she remains stable, at least ... :~)


Thank you again, all of you, for your help and support last night - I can't tell you how I appreciate your input & support.



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