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CD57 result is 36 (range 60-360).

VEGF was 733 (range 62 - 707). This is a test our LLMD is running that is important in active infections of many kinds including Bartonella and also in the cancer process. She will be watching this because she is wondering about Bartonella for me because of the VEGF and my herxing headaches in the front of my head. Also Bartonella is known to cause vascular lesions and my dd8 had 2 hemagioma birthmarks (forehead and spine).


Overall LLMD was very pleased with my progress and is going to keep me on the same course for the next month. She feels she has all her ducks in a row to most positively say I have lyme (in case there was any question :) ) I am to increase the flagyl to 2 days each week and increase the yeast meds. I am to start a slow exercise program. I think I'm ready for that.


dd9 is to start her treatment today with the intention of treating for 1 month. Then at 1 month, we will either stop and retest a few weeks after to draw out the positive test, or if I see marked improvement and obvious herxing, I can elect to continue. dd is very upset about starting before Christmas but I told her we'd go slowly.


dd8 is probably going to start at the end of next month.


Slow but sure wins the race!




Wow.... sounds like you are in great hands. I look forward to hearing the girls progress in the near future!


I am also curious about the comments 'including Bartonella and also in the cancer process'........... Does she believe Bartonella can cause cancer?



I am also curious about the comments 'including Bartonella and also in the cancer process'........... Does she believe Bartonella can cause cancer?


I don't think so. She said the test is used for different things, not specific to lyme so it can be used to help find or identify cancer and also various infections that includes bartonella. Also, she said I have past symptoms of HPV (human papillomaviruses) infection which could lead to cancer so I think she wants to determine if the high VEGF is related to lyme infection and wants to watch it. If it does not get better with lyme treatment, I would want to be sure to be watched for cervical or other cancer but my symptoms of HPV are a past history of planters warts and skin tags, not the symptoms that might lead to cervical cancer.


dd9 did NOT do well with her first dose of Nystatin. It is a liquid and she almost threw up. Does that come in a pill form? I'll have to check. I increase her to 500 mg zithromax daily and introduce diflucan, nystatin and whatever the bile binding agent that I'm taking, I forgot the name. Flagyl once a month and no plaquinil for her right now. I'll post a separate post about the anxiety meds she wants to start her on.



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