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ELISA IgG Test- Are they licensed?


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I discussed with my daughter's pediatrician in getting the IgG test done & of course she's very reluctant to do that. She basically thinks, like most of the regular doctors, that there's nothing you can do about tics. However, she did raise a few points about the ELISA/ACT lab, i.e. are they licensed like Quest Diagnostics to do this kind of tesing? How many case studies have they done? How do you know who is actually doing the tesing. etc... The pediatrician basically thinks that it sounds too good to be true to do hundreds of food/chemical test with just one blood drawing. That leads me kind of hestitate to go ahead with this & needless to say, I couldn't get her to agree to order for the test for my daughter.


I called up ELISA/ACT a few minutes ago, they did not answer the licensing part, they did say that they do research everyday and they claim they are 97% correct. Is that any other labs out there that will do the IgG test? Any comments/suggestions will be appreciated.


I'm thinking of may be do a IgE test first but then again, I don't know if that will help.

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