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Scarlet Fever

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My dd was exposed to scarlet fever (my ds had it) prior to her explosion of pandas symptoms (I think it was about 8 weeks prior). Also, at the same time she had a sore throat and fever, but did not culture positive so she was not give antibiotics, even though her brother in our household had scarlet fever and was on antibiotics.

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My younger 2 sons had scarlet fever a year ago - positive throat cultures and full-body bright red rash, then skin peeled. Pretty much classic scarlet fever. Of course DS7(PANDAS) went berserk, but we didn't know about PANDAS then. A week later he had a major allergic reaction and his head swelled up like a balloon, followed by a body rash, but not as severe as his brothers, and only on his torso. He also complained of a sore throat. He cultured negative so I didn't get antibiotics for him even though I begged. The doctor said it was a severe allergic rash even though I told her both his brothers were being treated for scarlet fever. He's never had allergies before or since.


2 weeks ago when we started Augmentin he got a red rashy face and pale mouth. It looked like scarlet fever starting, then just faded away. ???

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My ds 10 had scarlet fever when he was 2. His rash was mostly over the torso and he was treated with antibiotics. PANDAS symptoms probably presented when he was 3. I was pregnant with my dd 8 when my son had scarlet fever. Her condition is much less severe, and I wouldn't be surprised if that had something to do with it. I was only able to identify her because I knew what to look for...otherwise she would have just kept her (under my breath) nickname of pissy prissy for the rest of her life!!

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Very interesting about starting Augmentin and getting a Scarlet Fever looking rash. . . . makes it seem like tons of strep bacteria were dying, and therefore strep toxins caused the rash?


I hope that's what is happening. He's been a total monster since starting Augmentin. He had just started doing well on Amox and then we switched to high dose Augmentin and literally overnight he went "exorcist". He woke up growling and snarling. We're 2 weeks into Augmentin and I've had to pull him from school. I'm trying to hang on and finish the month but it's scary!!! If strep is dying that's good. His ASO is higher after 5 other antibiotics, and he still has sinus pain. But man, it's a rough ride!


I wonder if the strain(s) that cause scarlet fever are more likely to cause PANDAS? Or can any strep strain do this?

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The doctor said my daughter had Scarlet Fever. She had strep and then broke out in a rash later. I don't remember if it was a day or a week. Details are foggy. I just remember going in and seeing the doc and he took one look at her and called it Scarlet Fever. It was very unscientific so I have never felt comfortable in saying she had it. She also developed a terrible body rash from the MMR vaccine.

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  • 2 years later...

Sorry I don't know much about Scarlet Fever although DD was exposed to it in Pre-K she did not seem to catch it,

Ehrlicia and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever can also cause rash, since you mentioned you were in the Rocky Mountains it may be something to consider. I think its OK to use Quest to test for those two. My DD had what I thought was excema flare too and it turned out that was likely due to Ehrlicia.

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