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Posted (edited)

Just got my daughter's antineuronal antibodies results, but they don't make sense. She has mainly tics, some ocd, hyper, sep. anx. Also, her CamK was 168. Dr. Latimer said that number doesn't convince her it's pandas, and that the antibodies are what she wants to see....hoping to hear from her soon about these latest results.


Draw date 10/7/2010


Anti-neuronal Antibody Titers


Anti-Lysoganglioside 2 hours

patient 320

positive control >1280

negative control 80

normal range 80-320

normal mean 147


Anti-Tubulin 2 hours

patient 500

positive control 16000

negative control 250

normal range 250-1000

normal mean 609


Anti-Dopamine 1 2 hours

patient 4000

positive control 16000

negative control 1000

normal range 500-2000

normal mean 1056


Anti-Dopamine 2 2 hours

patient 4000

positive control 32000

negative control 2000

normal range 2000-16000

normal mean 6000

Edited by eljomom
Posted (edited)

look at the bottom of of the original post. Hit "edit", then edit the post and click save changes.

I know---how do i edit??? Quick??


Not sure if you realized that your child's first and last name attached. You may want to edit....

Edited by Vickie

Hi! Your daughters cam was similar to my sons his was 164. I spoke with dr. c and she said that any titer that is double the mean is considered high so it looks like her lysoganglioside is double and d1 is very high. My sons d2 was 16000. Dr c said they see elevated dopamines in kids with predominant tics as is my son. good luck and I look forward to hearing her take on the numbers.


Hi! Your daughters cam was similar to my sons his was 164. I spoke with dr. c and she said that any titer that is double the mean is considered high so it looks like her lysoganglioside is double and d1 is very high. My sons d2 was 16000. Dr c said they see elevated dopamines in kids with predominant tics as is my son. good luck and I look forward to hearing her take on the numbers.


What treatments have you tried---anything helped with the tics??



Hi! Your daughters cam was similar to my sons his was 164. I spoke with dr. c and she said that any titer that is double the mean is considered high so it looks like her lysoganglioside is double and d1 is very high. My sons d2 was 16000. Dr c said they see elevated dopamines in kids with predominant tics as is my son. good luck and I look forward to hearing her take on the numbers.

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