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Hi everyone - my DS6 is seeing Dr. B for PANDAS. Even though it took a year to figure his issues out we are starting to make progress with Augmentin and have recently started chiropractic.


Now, my problem. My DD2 had the flu shot on 11/13. We also started her on Singulair as she has had chronic sinus/ear infections and had tubes put in last year. A day or two later she started stuttering. We took her off the singulair but she is still stuttering. My immediate thoughts jump to PANDAS. Has anyone had this as a symptom? As far as I know she hasn't had strep, though sons have been exposed. I want to start her on Augmentin to see if it helps. I've left a message for my pediatrician but she is out until Tuesday.


I don't know if I'm being paranoid or not, but I just don't want to go on the medical mystery tour again. Up until now she her speech has been crystal clear and really advanced for a 2 yr old.


Thanks for any input, reading everyone's posts has really helped over the last few months!

Posted (edited)

Hi - we had stuttering as a symptom in our then ds2. He had already had some word/beginning of sentence repeating (more OCDish) and not the usual age appropriate sort. He then started with full on consonant stuttering at the beginning of a word. It lasted for 3 weeks and ended abruptly on day 3 of a course of abx.


Stuttering is also quoted as a PANDAS symptom in this recent review article.




Good luck...

Edited by dut
Posted (edited)

I have heard stuttering mentioned on here before. Also, I skimmed through a book that was co-authored by Swedo in the 90's and it said that slurred speech can also be a symptom. Progress in my son's speech disorder haulted in an exacerbation. So, I would say, yes, it's a symptom.


Singulair has been cited on here as the one allergy med that kids have not reacted well to and to try to stay from. As for the others on the market, they vary on the child. I have had the most success with Natural D-Hist Jr. My non-PANDAS son had an awful sinus infection and it wasn't until we switched to the D-Hist did we see a lot of improvement.


Right now, I would really concentrate on clearing up any sinus infection that may be there. Sometimes, you will need two antibiotics at once when they are bad.

Edited by Vickie

We had stuttering as a pandas symptom. Came with second episode, cleared with treatment and time. Possible the flu shot stirred up the immune system. I am sure it will get resolved...


Yes! Stuttering was the first symptom of something amiss in my older son. He suddenly started to stutter after his K-shots. We had no idea what was happening. It resolved on its own after about 2 or 3 months. This was 2 years before PANDAS hit the fan....we now know it was the first sign of PANDAS, but, unfortunately we missed it......so, something was brewing already from a previous strep infection he had. The stuttering would always come back occasionally for a couple of years when he was ill or exposed........stuttering and a neck tic are his two main symptoms.


I haven't heard any stuttering in about a year now :)....

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