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"..........I hired a new doctor from Calvary who is an immunologist and

has begun in my lab as of Nov 1. He is investigating PANDAS and

autoantibodies and signaling. We are very grateful for the funding.

I could have not recruited him to my lab without the funds."- Dr. Cunningham





Whoo-hooo....I know they are going to find something out about this....I just know it!~

An immunologist researching PANDAS exclusively.........AWESOME!!


Way to go guys!!!


WOW! I really needed to read this today. I am always stunned when I read how long this illness has been discussed or mentioned (decades), but then nothing done about it! This makes me feel as though the research will keep moving forward! I am going to send them a Christmas card with a donation inside. YEA!

Posted (edited)

WOW! I really needed to read this today. I am always stunned when I read how long this illness has been discussed or mentioned (decades), but then nothing done about it! This makes me feel as though the research will keep moving forward! I am going to send them a Christmas card with a donation inside. YEA!



Hey...GREAT idea. Let's all send them a Christmas card....let them know we are supporting them and are grateful for them. A card in and of itself is great.....a donation of ANY amount would be wonderful! Let's keep it going!


Oh....you will receive a tax deductible receipt with your donation. :)

Edited by P.Mom

YAAAYYY!! Thank you for posting P.Mom!


They are sooo under staffed. I know they are doing "pandas research" but does anyone know what they are going to do with all the data they are collecting from our kids blood and questionaires? what specifically are they working on?


Her original study only had a small number of kids in each group (25 non-pandas tic or ocd, 5 "normal",6 SC, 16 pandas)..but she must have hundreds of blood samples now. I just wonder if they are working on making this a standard blood test for auto-immune neuron-pshchological disorder (or what ever they decide to call it)..or are they trying to find all the antineuronals effected, or are they looking for the specific "rouge" anti-body that these kids create? orr....? I'm jsut dying to see something new published (I don't really care what -everything they put out can only help convince the med establishment this disorder exists!)


YES ! - christmas cards, thank you cards, pictures, lets all let them know how their work effects us personally!


"..........I hired a new doctor from Calvary who is an immunologist and

has begun in my lab as of Nov 1. He is investigating PANDAS and

autoantibodies and signaling. We are very grateful for the funding.

I could have not recruited him to my lab without the funds."- Dr. Cunningham


This doctor is from the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada. I think she found the only doctor in my entire country who has actually heard of PANDAS. JK, well sort of... So glad to hear this is moving forward. I hope their research goes a long way to help our kids and the PANDAS kids to come.

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