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Dry mouth and frequent urination

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Can anyone help me with some natural tips for Dry mouth and frequent urination? I am a 65 year old woman - my diabetic is under control . I think these symptoms are due to urinary infection. I have been on antibiotics for around a couple of months for urinary infection - Minimal benefit. Sould would want to follow a natural remedy for the same.


Your help is appreciated.

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Dear Guest,


I immediately thought of diabetes from the title of your post (increased thirst and thus increased urination). glad it is under control. Are you aware that niacinamide and chromium supplements can also help with diabetes? (Ask your doctor).


Since you were on antibiotics, I assume you were tested for a bladder infection? Low zinc can result in more infections. If the urination issue is at night, I found that zinc taken by itself at bedtime helped me sleep through.


As for supplements...

Uva Ursa is a natural supplement for urinary infections, but there is some concern re liver toxicity. It is not to be used for more than 2 weeks.


Unsweetened cranberry juice is the old standby, but you must drink incredible amounts, and I bet this would be horrible for diabetes.


Here is a link discussion natural methods for bladder infections.



I tried Usa Urva once and it did help--but I would ask your doctor given the potentially toxic issues. I used it for 3 days after the antibiotics didn't seem to fully correct the problem. However, if the problem is something else, then certainly the treatment would be different.


Also, yeast overgrowth can lead to chronic bladder infections. Also, the antibiotic might be the wrong one--something you are resistant to.


Finally, if it is a bladder infection, please make sure you are fully emptying your bladder, this results in the bacteria bulding up.


I hope you are doing probiotics 2 hours after the antibiotics, or the yeast will get worse (can be in the gut, not necessarily a vaginal one).


Good luck!



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