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To Jean

Guest Guest_efgh

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Guest Guest_efgh



Just got the peakflow meter. My son's value is little over 250 and the doctor says its very low for his weight, age and height. He wants us to start medication. I am still not sure on this since he is otherwise healthy.

What is your son's age? What is his weight and height? I remember you mentioning that his value is around 200 plus.

Is there any website which says the reference values for the children of a particular age, height and weight etc?



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Hi efgh and Jean,


How much do the peak flow meters cost? What brand did you get and where did you get them--Do they require a prescription?


After my son just spent 8 days in bed (starting PE again is tough), I would love for him to do a direct comparison of the value of his aerobic exercise. I would like to see it for myself too! I know that when I don't work out, my breathing just going up stairs is incredibly different.


I have read that aerobics kill yeast too (an anaerobic pathogen) so I am interested in this being as high as possible for both my son and me, given our challenges.


This assumes that they aren't terribly expensive.



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Guest Guest_efgh



Its definitely a good idea to have one at home. Its not expensive. The cost is around 25 dollars and its very helpful.




Thanks for the links. They are very useful. How old is your son and what is his height?



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Well, I just got the meter--my son's cough is actually worse than it was (sinuses are better, but lots of phlemm) and since it has been 2 weeks since it started, they are giving him some new antibiotic. Anyway, I did the meter and not surprisingly we was only 300. And he is 150 cm and should be better than that.


Now I will chart his progress as the antibiotics kick in.


By the way, I was just average--I guess my minimal workouts lately have an impact. It will be interesting to see if mine goes up too.


Thanks again efgh and jean, good discussion.



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Guest Guest_efgh



I am happy for you. It really is so helpful to have one at home. By the way, my doctor who is a leading pulmonologist told me that its not important to have a "big normal value" but its important to maintain at one's personal best.. Hope I have communicated clearly what I mean .. Its just that if you have noticed that your son's best is 300, its important that he maintains at 300 and does not dip more than 20 percent of his personal best.. So , according to him the reference values for a particular height, etc are not the best way of predicting one's lung volume. He feels spirometry tests are more authentic than peak flow tests. So, one should use a peak flow on a regular basis to monitor his asthma conditions and to get an early warning signal when you notice that the value has dipped more than 20 percent of HIS personal best!

Which meter (brand) did you buy and how much did it cost?




What is your son's height and age?

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