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Wouldn't be surprised at this point, in all honesty. -_________-


In my school district you can't be absent more than four times per individual class per six weeks without "absence failing". In other words, no matter what grade you make you don't get the credit. I have fifteen (only technically "absence failing" a single class) & we're only going into the eleventh week of school. But why are MY medically necessary doctor visit absences on the same level as kids who are just cutting class? Are they even allowed to fail a kid with a medical condition for going to the doctor or not feeling well enough to go to school? They did this BOTH semesters last year too, my Counselor at the time just went in & put some special code in for all of my absences that magically made them disappear, but I'm so tired of having to deal with this. I'm a sick kid, I go to the doctor all the time (every other day this week, as a matter of fact) & sometimes (RARELY) I physically can't get to school. Can a school district fail me even though I have a 4.00000 despite my disability & absences??? This just doesn't seem right, but as I said earlier, I wouldn't be shocked.


I know that if you have an IEP (and are therefore technically classified as falling within the Special Education department), then that trumps any and all absences. Without that kind of official "protection," though, I'm not sure what your options are.


There's an IEP classification code, Other Health Impaired (OHI), that many of us have for our PANDAS kids; it sounds as though it would fit in your case, as well, and give you that "breathing room" for doctors appointments and even just taking a day off when you're topped out and over-stressed!


You might want to talk to you counselor about that. It would be a more permanent solution so that you don't have to continually tackle the same issue.




If you want the school to make accommodations for your illnesses, then you need to see the 504 officer in your school. The 504 officer can set up a 504 plan for you if you have documentation of your illness. You are entitled to reasonable accommodations for you illness or disability, which may include a modification of the absence rule. It does have to be reasonable, though. The 504 officer can work with you to determine what a reasonbale accommodation is. The 504 officer is likely a counselor, administrator, or psychologist. They are not obligated to make accommodations for things that have already happened, but they would make accommodations from this point forward. There are lots of posts on the forum about 504 plans, so I am sure you can learn about them rather quickly.


Good luck!


My counselor offered up a 504 plan but my parents have been worried about how it will look to colleges. I imagine they can't discriminate against the disabled but that's something they wanted to confirm BEFOREHAND. Of course they haven't done it yet though. I also posted asking for suggestions about 504 for kids with Lyme (since that's what I'm seeing doctors for lately, could get documented easier, & attribute most of my school difficulties to anyway).


They're ALL documented medical absences. I can think of a single exception to that, & that was a day when my head hurt so bad that I could not stand up. I'm going to see if I can talk to my counselor on Monday about a 504. Because failing a sick kid with a 4.0000 for going to the doctor too much just isn't right.


I don't think the specific dx (which in any case is none of their business)is important, as long as it is a chronic medical condition. The school has a list of conditions that automatically qualifies for services and accomodations. The rest can be classified as OHI (other health impaired). Accommodations and services are based strictly on student need.


My counselor offered up a 504 plan but my parents have been worried about how it will look to colleges. I imagine they can't discriminate against the disabled but that's something they wanted to confirm BEFOREHAND. Of course they haven't done it yet though. I also posted asking for suggestions about 504 for kids with Lyme (since that's what I'm seeing doctors for lately, could get documented easier, & attribute most of my school difficulties to anyway).


They're ALL documented medical absences. I can think of a single exception to that, & that was a day when my head hurt so bad that I could not stand up. I'm going to see if I can talk to my counselor on Monday about a 504. Because failing a sick kid with a 4.0000 for going to the doctor too much just isn't right.

I'd say see your counselor, put your cards on the table and see what he suggests. Obviously, with those grades it's not like you are skipping school because you don't care or are not motivated. You have all the documentation, they should be able to help you out. Let us know how it goes.


I am a high school teacher and yes, in my district a school can keep you a year behind if you are absent too much. You are allowed 28 days of absences, after that you either need to attend summer school or repeat the year. We are required to help you as much as possible if you have an IEP or 504 plan. You should tell your teacher what's going on and what you are struggling with, guidance isn't always good about letting us know about these things.


I emailed him & will probably talk to him on Monday. My counselor this year has been a Godsend. Does anyone know how 504's look to colleges?

I'm not even sure that info is sent to colleges. When I was teaching in elementary school, SPED files were kept separately from the student's regular files and if a student transferred schools, the SPED file could not legally be sent to the new school unless the parent signed a request for them to do so. But, that is a question I'm sure your counselor can answer.


There is no way for a college to find out that you have a 504 until you decide to disclose it to them.

I have applied to colleges and been accepted before even telling them I had a 504. Your high school cannot tell them...in fact, you don't ever even have to say anything to a college if you don't want to.


Has anyone explained to you what a 504 really is? Because the schools like to market them as if they were a list of "school" accommodations. In fact, a 504 is a legal document you can use all the way through elementary, middle, and high school, college, and then in a job. Schools just have the ability to set you up with one but they have zip power over how much you use it and who you choose to use it with in the future.


Alyssa ~ I know they CAN do it, but even for medical absences? & what exactly does "28" absences equate to in just regular high school classes? Would I have to just take the same classes again if I got"held back" a year in high school?


Peglem ~ Thank youuu! That is exactly what I needed to know. :)


EmmaLily ~ Thank you too! By the way, sorry I haven't replied to your FaceBook message. :/ I put my response on Word but haven't been on much besides on my phone, which isn't good for actual messaging. You are great!


Alyssa ~ I know they CAN do it, but even for medical absences? & what exactly does "28" absences equate to in just regular high school classes? Would I have to just take the same classes again if I got"held back" a year in high school?



When I had just gotten strep throat back in 1998, I was absent more than 28 days of school throughout 4th 5th and 6th grade. (In and out of children's hospitals/ doctors offices etc) The school did want to keep me back, (meaning repeating all my classes) but at that time my parents somehow argued with the school system and I was able to continue. In my district where I currently teach, (New Jersey) you are allowed 28 absences total including excused absences. They are very strict about attendance. If you miss more than that, you automatically have to repeat your current classes during the summer or the following year. Nowadays, I believe you can simply take the classes that you have missed online and many students do that instead of summer school. A lot of it may also depend on the school system, state required tests, and the state in which you live.


Also, some teachers are more understand than others when it comes to absences. If you show that you're willing to make up the work, some will let you slide by. I did want to add that and IEP and 504 plan are completely confidential. I was embarrassed in high school and college and therefore refused it, but it is strictly between you and the teacher. Universities do not know, no one one knows. You should really take it especially if you are struggling.

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