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cows milk/soya milk free


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I am sure this will be the first of many questions about going cows milk and soy milk free. I was at the grocery store today and a small health food store and am amazed by how many products have milk and soy ingredients. I am going to search out a store specifically focused on dairy free food so that should help me out (if such a store exists!). I am assuming someone makes breads/buns etc free of milk products.


But for now - does anyone have a great/easy recipe for cookies or cakes that would be appealing to a 6 year old. We are going to a birthday party tomorrow and there will be cake - which he won't be able to eat. We cannot have peanuts either.


Is there a particularly good website I should be looking at, or a cookbook I should be buying? This is so new to me!!!


Any advise would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance

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I bought the AiA cookbook (allergy induced autism), it notes milk, gluten, soy, corn, yeast-free options and is good with substitution.


"Gotein" is a vanilla protein powder from Goat's milk that I mix with water to substitute for milk in baked goods. Great in pancakes--no funny taste (Goat milk itself is too strong)


Coconut milk is good for pumpkin pies...


A lot of people with gluten sensitivity have casein/milk issues, so I suggested going the the very active board on Braintain for gluten-free. That site is full of recipes and people with ideas--when it comes to recipes, I go there or to my cookbook.




Or you can type casein-free + whatever into google.


Mustang Carole posted this, some are both gluten free and casein free, as noted.



To me, milk-free recipes were easy (except cheese). It was the gluten-free that took work, but I have it down now.



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Thanks as always Claire


Another couple questions as I start this next leg of my journey - (my son is still 99.9% tic free!) I spent way to long at the grocery store today - looking at every label - lots of work. With a milk allergy can you eat food with calcium propionate and calcium hydroxide? Some bread had the first listed as the only somewhat sounding milk ingredient, and the latter was found on nachos.


I have checked with a google search and seem to get different answers.


Does anyone buy a brand of bread/hot dog buns that are milk and soy free - and any hot dogs (my son's newest favorite food) without the offending ingredients.


Thanks again,

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