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There have been a few recent mentions of juicing and it is something I would like to start. Any advice on the kind of juicer I should buy, any beginning recipes etc would be greatly appreciated. My son eats NO vegetables, (unless McD french fries count!) Fruit wise he is only eating bananas and apples and grapes. My mother sometimes makes him chocolate cup cakes with sweat potato, yams or zucchini hidden.


Thanks in advance.



Also, I am trying to make our house more environmentally friendly. Any advise on cleaning products etc. I did buy a multi-purpose cleaner from Fruits and Passions that is environmentally friendly - my biggest concern is making sure any germs are not spread - especially in the sinks - due to the increase in tics with any viral infection. Is vinegar and water all I really need???


My son isn't a veggie eater either.


We have a Hamilton Beach 350 watt from Target, which I like, except the mouth is small--good for brocolli stalks/carrots, but less so for other ones. I was too lazy/busy to exchange it when I realized this.


Juicers do matter--they need to be powerful enough and not too noisy--I took us a couple rounds to find a good one.


He gets 2 oz of broccolli juice, followed by a 2 oz carrot juicer chaser, following by a tiny sweet reward. I want to do others, but he is resistant. Lemon with sweetener will be great though.




Oh yes,


Earth Friendly products Parsley all purpose 'Kleener', Heather's Oxygen Bleach 'ajax' equivalent, and vinegar/water for the wood floors. Some citrus glass cleaner I can't find.


My son used to be very aware of the 'smells' after the housekeepers left--hours later coming home from school, and he hated it. He no longer complains.


Just put your sponges in the dishwasher at night, if you worry about bacteria.




Hi Alison;


My brother and cousin are big into juicing and they both agree that the juicer you need to buy is the kind that grinds the food the brand I use is Green Power Kempo. The best starting food is carrots. Carrots are the closest molecular sustance known to blood with the exception of magnesium and another vit/min., so when extracted into juice form in goes into the blood stream faster and will get absorbed fater and better. Cut the ends off but do not peel, place through the juicer and strain it before drinling to discard any excess fiber. I have ny kids on 8 oz. in the am with breakfast, so if they are poor breafst eaters, I know that they have subthing good in the system. Also, since we all are victims of immunizations, aftifical colors and all that good medicine lemon juice is important as a detoxifier. Peel the lemon with as much white as possible on it and juice. Add water to taste and shake over ice and it is a great lemonaide with benefits. I started reading a book about juicing written by a doctor who lived to 106 years old and he has many receipes/formulas. My brother recommended this book so I can get a better handle on the way the body works.

I might have told you, but it is worth repeating, my cousin fell into a deep depression and over 40 doctors tried to put her on depression meds. As a pharm rep she declined and searched and searched. She could no longer work, she lost her med benefits and used all her money to find a cure. She sought the help of an 80 yr old doc who told her she had candidia (yeast) she now juices and is a vegitarian and is now a perfectly normal functioning adult. On the flip, I buried a friend about 2 years ago who sought the traditional route for depression and went on the meds and hung himself leaving behind 3 great kids. I tell you this because I was weiry just days ago about the importance of diet when my friends father, a doctor, told me that what I was doing was busy work in using supps and juicing. So for all who read this, note the importance of diet and how the body can heal itself. It still remains a mystery to me but the more I read the more I learn. I'll pass the name of the book onto you in another post, I do not have it with me right now. Hope all is well and keep up the good work.



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