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Hi. I was wondering if anyone has tried Blue Green Algae or Chlorella and if so what was the success rate for detox or decline of rate/frequency of tics. If anyone has had success, I wish to inquire what brand name product did you use and how could I find out about what dosage to use for a six year old boy who weighs 39 pounds.


hi Andy


Am not sure if it really was the Chlorella, but eversince my 12 year old son took it about 2 month ago, his tics were greatly reduced to only about twice a day. Now he could watch TV without ticcing, walk without looking back, no more finger and feet twitches.


lately he has come down with flu, so the once a while facial twitch could be due to his runny nose..


now he takes the RED SUN brand, 5 tablets every morning, preferably with a empty stomach. Initially i started him the adult dosage (10 tablets) so for the first few days, his stools were green and toilet about twice a day. Then i reduced to 5 tablets till today. He is fine today.


Of course, he is also taking calcium/magnesium, lecithin and Vit B Complex too. But before chlorella, his tics were reduced but after chlorella, we can see even a better improvement.


no harm trying, just read the bottle for dosage for children.





Hi JC,


Happy New Year! Good to hear from you, and so glad that your son is much improved.




Thanks alot JC for the information and I'm glad to hear about your son.

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