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I recently became friends with and started dating someone with OCD. He hasn't told me too much about how his symptoms effect him, aside from that it comes out in weird ways. He hasn't had much dating experience in the past few years, we are in in our 20's. We started out hanging out and one day he kissed me, and he stayed up kissing and talking. The next time we saw each other he asked we dial it back down to friendship. It was awkward but we did and hung out for a while as friends. We get along well and have fun when we hang out, and even with the friendship we were able to connect and talk about serious and intimate things- such as our pasts with anxiety and other personal things. I told him one night the other day that I was happy with out friendship but the truth was i did also like him more than a friend. We ended up kissing and talking again that night and sleeping over together. We spent the next night together also, at his suggestion. He told me he was feeling uncertain about his feelings, while I seemed sure of mine but that he was happy with how things were and enjoying being romantic with me. We spent a lot of time together that weekend, and did a lot of close and intimate things. I didn't talk to him for the next day then this morning he messaged me that he was having a mental breakdown, that he was going to be "away" (away from people) he needed therapy.He said it has nothing to do with me or anyone else. I feel that being together had something to do with it. He's said that he was trying not to be afraid of emotion, that was maybe he took it back to friendship after we first kisssed. And that much of OCD is fear of being out of control. He expressed he was afraid of hurting me because I knew i had feelings for him and he was still unsure of his. Also, spending time together over the weekend caused us both to neglect our school/work responsibilities and that could have added stress too.


I am sorry that is a lot of information. I am wondering what to do, worrying about him and also our friendship. He said it had nothing to do with me and it was personal but I can't help but worry I added some kind of stress to his life. I am just going to give him space until he contacts me, I told him I was here and asked him to call me when he was able. I have no idea when or if ill see him again. I already care about this person and would like him in my life in some way, if not romantic but I feel romantically for him.


Thank you if you have any advice or can relate

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