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Can Zinc INCREASE tics?

Guest Guest_efgh

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Guest Guest_efgh



Dont know if its a coincidence but I noticed that my son's tics increased after taking Zinc gluconate (8.5 mg). Has any one come across this..? Is the dosage high ...

I have heard B complex, fish oil can be triggers in some of them but have never read in any of the posts where it says "zinc gluconate can increase tics"...



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If your son was viewing more TV over vacation, could it be that he is more sensitive to the likely flourescent lighting at school (I assume school started again yesterday), or something else at school is triggering this and not the zinc?


THe RDA for zinc for adults is 15 mg zinc--isn't your son about 11? So no, that is not a high dose. However, assuming that Jeff didn't hit on it (artificial colors), I would just stop it for a few days, then start again. If the tics go away and come back again, well I certainly would suspect the zinc. You could try another form of zinc also.


Zinc is supposed to kill yeast and also serve to detox metals, so presumably it could be this reaction. In any case, I would do the stop/start thing to be sure. I never liked the idea of getting worse to get better.



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Guest Guest_efgh

Claire, you are right - for all you know, it could be the after effect of a LOT OF TV during the holidays. School has reopened and let me see how it goes. Jeff, the Zinc gluconate I use is FREE from any artificial flavour.

Tics are mild but still wanted to figure out "why"..

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