DS has been in PANDAS remission for nearly one year. He is on 500 mg of Augmentin 2x daily, scheduled to reduce again in a month. His labs last week showed overall IgG of 600 - not terrible enough to treat, but certainly not optimal. Other labs all okay. His team just got invited to the largest national/international HS robotics competition. It means 20 hours each way on a bus, plus three 18+ hour days at the event. If DS goes, DH also will be attending - so at least DS will be reminded to take medications. During last week's three-day robotics tournament, DS lost four pounds (bringing him down to 111 pounds at 5' 10 1/2" tall). And that was WITH DH right there force feeding the kid every three hours. DS has extreme sensory issues and only eats about two dozen foods, so finding food while on the road is problematic. Also, DS sleeps nine hours every night like clock-work. Never less. He totally needs it. On the one hand, this is a huge opportunity not likely to be repeated. At the moment, he's in fair shape and I want him to enjoy his life while this lasts. But part of me is afraid of the possible set-back. WWYD if this was your 14 yr old? Thanks.