Just changed DS13's nightly probiotic from HLC High Potency to Ultimate Flora and I swear he was worse after. I have also thought on occasion that he might be worse after the HLC as well...which is why I wanted to change it up and see if there was any improvement. I also changed his AM dose from HLC to Culturelle, which I think he's tolerating pretty well.
But, I know so many of you wonderful people have already trialed so many I wanted your advice.
If you have a tic child are there any Probiotics you have tried that have made things worse, and any you have tried that made things better...or at least didn't escalate behaviors?
Also, just was reading an old post where Beesknees had mentioned going w/ a low dose Omega 3 sup if child is sensi to O3's, which mine is, and I have just basically given up on D and O3;'s due to the crazy that occurs after.
But now I'm wondering if there are any rec's on that front as well. We don't do gummy chewables because he won't touch gelatin (vegetarian at age 8).
As always, I am so thankful for any suggestions.