Our Ds10 diagnosed with PANs/Bart and most recently Babs. We were doing very well for several months . Dr B put him on Amox/Azith/Bactrim. The cocktail seem to stop our son's very sudden onset of Bipolar like symptoms. Once on the meds he herxed every 2 /3 weeks but mostly physical pain no neuro really. We were OK bc he was getting better. Thought he only had PANS... Never knew he had Bart so was surprised that once med started many typical lymes symptoms appeared. WE were just happy that he calmed down mentally. In Oct (4 month into treatment) we started Babs meds Artimisinine and he began having all the old mental symptoms return (emotional irregulation, depression, agoraphobia, eating issues anger w baby talk) He was also fevering. Blood work showed active strep so Dr removed Aug tx and replaced with Omnicef. It was the Omnicef that caused him to stop walking we soon found out. (odd side effect) Once removed five day ago he began walking and doing better back to base line. However!!!!We never replaced Omnicef anti B and he was on half his Bactrim as per doctors orders. Doc wanted to cut back on anti B and add Babs treatment Mepron. Our Pharmacy has it on order. BUT tonight he had a complete regression. He raged and said his head was all crazy inside. Do we start all over???? afraid to start Babs treatment because Bart isn't under control. Dr B wants us to go to dr Jones bc he is more knowledgeable w treating Lymes. That's months of waiting, Can Babasia cause a lot of mental instability like Bart????? Oh man! sorry just everything unclear.