DS13 had a lab test showing high probability for Celiac. We did not pursue definitive biopsy to diagnose. He NEVER complained of any belly pain or bloating-- (but of course other symptoms existed like PANDAS/PANS symptoms -- other auto immune issues -- joint pain -- low D, low Ca, low Ferritin)
We are 10 days gluten and dairy free. He cheats at school. Not every day, but often.
Last couple of days he's been very bloated and uncomfortable. Of course he also has a cold and allergies are in play. And he's on Azith and Augmentin so his gut in general I suspect is a mess.
Have any of your children experienced belly pain and bloating AFTER going gluten free? I think maybe removing the gluten made him more sensitive to when he ingests his small cheats?
Of course we'll try to convince him not to cheat. But just curious -- did this "side effect" happen to any of you after changing diet?
And yes, this bloating could be ANYTHING... just chasing down leads.