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Our DS 10 has been suffering for several months now with flare after flare. I have received so much helpful responses along the way but this one is different. Caretakers (mostly moms I assume) know what I am talking about when I speak of the odd mental/neurological behaviors that follow the Lyme's/Bart /Babs children. There r weeks that just getting dressed and teeth brushed with supplements and meds down has been considered a success. He is good for a few weeks and going to his tutor and then weeks where he can hardly sit for a 5 minute lesson. There are times he plays hours of video games with perfect clarity and then in the evenings he falls apart before bedtime with "i am sad" and baby talk. Please! My partner has such a difficult time not seeing that this is typical behavior. He believes that the child is manipulating because he plays with his friends for a while but stays in bed complaining from pain or whatever really. Our DS can be ok for a few hours and then very fragile the next minute. I spend so much time defending our sick child that I feel it drain's me more than the Illness itself. Our child is bright and other than being a strong willed boy he was always a good boy. My husband is a mess because many of the household rules are not working because our son is not well and not always able to follow them. (cleaning up after himself and not going to bed before midnight)My husband feels that if he can play complex video games then he should be able to go to school at least half days. Heck I am happy if he brushes his teeth. He doesn't get it I!!!!!t. He also doesn't want him in our room every night because he want his bed back but our DS is frightened to sleep alone. He is a loving father but this is such out of the ordinary behavior so it's a huge stretch for him. I try and explain that this is temporary and the child (these children need love and great compassion not critism) Share please if you see similar dynamics as well in your home or set me straight and tell me I am enabling!!! Does this disease wreak havoc on families or what?? My husband and I are constantly at odds . Thank you all and God bless. I hope to share some of your stories with my husband!!