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For the past 2 months my tonsils and throat have been a wreck. Backtracking a bit, it started after my trial on valtrex (went very badly). Pain in ears, then nose, then tonsils. They concluded my tonsils were infected b/c of their size (different sizes too), pus, and very inflamed. I was put on azith for a few weeks which helped for 3 days, then omnicef which gave me c-diff, uti, and yeast infection (still battling c-diff, still on flagyl). Anyways, my throat, mainly vocal chords, are in horrendous pain. I can't sing. And that is really messing me up. Hard to talk, to do anything and I've never had it this bad in my entire life. I am a singer-songwriter, so not being able to do the one thing that can stop the ocd and brings joy has been heartbreaking and I fear the worse. The doctor I saw wants to take out tonsils b/c they are so inflamed BUT he said first we'll try acid reflex treatment. I've been on prilosec for a few weeks, 2x's a day, and I am getting side effects from it plus has not helped. It increases benzodiazepines in blood stream and I've been a complete zombie stuck on the couch. We tried nasal spray for constant post nasal drip (it's an antihistamine) and over time it was drugging me really badly as well so I had to quit. I am insanely sensitive to everything medicinal or supplemental, it most certainly must be a clue as to what is wrong with me, I can't tolerate much of anything. Other things tried: manuka honey, gargling salt water.......... Nothing is helping and the post nasal drip seems to be getting worse along with my throat. Still scheduled for tonsillectomy if things don't improve. I'm only worried about getting my singing voice back. Some mornings I wake up and can't speak. Very hoarse. Any thoughts?? P.S. Last night the diarrhea returned and it looks like c-diff so I'm back on flagyl and started probiotics that were recommended here on this forum. I don't know what is going on with my body.