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  1. "Speaking on the day of publication, Dr. Samsel said: “Glyphosate is a reactive product that causes damage at the molecular level. Chemicals that disrupt the microbiome and immune function do not belong in our food supply . To allow any living creature exposure to such a product is, in my opinion, poor judgment by government agencies and serves only to benefit the purses of corporations and their investors. Future generations will judge our actions or lack thereof and surely condemn those who repeat the errors of the past.” http://sustainablepulse.com/2015/11/06/first-review-of-secret-monsanto-studies-shows-glyphosate-cancer-cover-up/#.Vk3pg_9dHct The full paper can be found here: http://www.researchgate.net/publication/283490944_Glyphosate_pathways_to_modern_diseases_IV_cancer_and_related_pathologies If you are consuming GMO or conventional grains, legumes and/or conventionally (confined) raised meat, you are ingesting glyphosate. It's high time that RoundUp is implicated not only in the development of cancer, but in other chronic conditions caused by supressed immune function.
  2. These chemicals destroy our intestinal probiotic bacteria, rendering our immune systems incompetent. http://people.csail.mit.edu/seneff/ http://www.naturalnews.com/050830_chemical_violence_GMOs_glyphosate.html The U.S. Department of Agriculture's recent approval of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) resistant to new herbicides will soon unleash a flood of new toxic chemicals across the nation's agricultural heartland, observers have warned. Previously, nearly all GMO crops approved for planting were engineered for resistance to a single herbicide: Monsanto's blockbuster product Roundup (glyphosate). The widespread adoption of these crops led to an explosion in Roundup use, which in turn spurred the evolution of Roundup resistance in agricultural weeds. In response to the proliferation of Roundup-resistant "superweeds," GMO companies have turned to engineering multi-herbicide resistance into their crops. Specifically, GMO crops are now available resistant to both Roundup and the Dow herbicide 2,4-D, or Roundup and another herbicide, Dicamba. But as critics of biotechnology have repeatedly noted, the adoption of these new GMOs will merely exacerbate the problem - encouraging still more herbicide use and the evolution of ever-tougher superweeds. In a recent article, Dr. Jonathan Latham of the Bioscience Resource Project referred to the process as "a vicious cycle that threatens both our environment and our food supply." Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/050830_chemical_violence_GMOs_glyphosate.html#ixzz3jCxPFuNi
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