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  1. I have been taking some immune boosters, antivirals, and antifungals for sometime now and notice reduce in tics. However, my thoughts become more scattered and quite frankly psychotic. I get anxious and my personality becomes rather dull when I take them. This has led me to the assumption that I do not have Tourette’s, but rather PANS. What are your experience with immune boosters or immunomodulators? Does it relieve tics at least? Would you have any idea why it may cause psychotic symptoms? I was thinking increased brain inflammation. Does it mean it’s helping rid of the infection causing tics? The list of what most certainly gives me psychotic symptoms Olive leaf extract Oregano Colloidal silver Reishi and other mushrooms Coconut oil, MCT and monolaurin
  2. To give little history, I've been diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, which is simply explained as bipolar and schizophrenia together. I've also had tics all my life, mostly blinking, and some OCD. Whenever I take immune boosting supplements my general feel of psychosis and irritability increases, and so does my tics. Any idea as to why? And I'm open to any recommendations on how fixing it. That's it for my question. Below are some indications for those that have the ability to do detective works. Olive leaf extract: gives me energy and temporarily cures tics. Often cause mania, anxiety, some delusional thoughts and dissociative feelings. Coconut oil and MCT oil: irritates my throat. If taken too much I get full blown symptoms of flu, even worse. Temporarily boosts energy and cause mania, but also heightens my anxiety. Cured warts on my feet. Oregano oil: made my tics worse and my head gets locked into thought loops and even with meditation my mind cannot stay clear headed for more than few seconds. This made me look at salicylate sensitivity as well as oxalates. I got a bottle of No-Nenol on the way so let's see. I have once cut out all high sal foods and cosmetics but it didn't seem to help much. But recently I've been consuming a lot of phenolic supplements and since I've cut them out my thoughts seem bit clearer. Some general main symptoms include Constant thought loops that are obsessive and unproductive, even though I frequently meditate (up to two hours daily) Tics and muscle tightening (semi involuntary) Brain fog Delusional feeling and thoughts Ultra ultra rapid cycling mood. Cocaine high - numb and no pleasure - suicidal depressed (recently okay ) Extreme sensitivity to sugar, leading to severe depression and anxiety Mild OCD Anxiety Digestion seems fine since changing my diet. Let me know your thoughts on this!
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