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Its been four years. Our DS had PANS/Bart and not sure what else. At 10 he fell apart and after 3 years of blended treatments and many diff specialists (plus No school) his immune system is stronger and most all past Extreme PANS symptoms are gone BUT we have a belligerent, arrogant unlikeable teen who is consumed with only himself 100% of the time. He is an clean eater and in very good physical shape now We are beyond blessed bc healthy lifestyle helped turn him around for sure. (no dairy, GF no soy) We r unable instill responsibilities bc his horrific focus/ memory is way of the charts and executive skills are like a 3rd grader. His home routine is that of a toddler. He use to be neat as a young boy. Gentle reminders like sticky notes, alarms... any attempt at getting him to just hang a wet towel is ignored. He is not JUST messy he tears the house apart each day by just getting ready each morning. We are so happy he is out of bed and getting himself ready now that we are ashamed of ourselves that we are even concerned about anything else. He looses everything IE....phones, shoes, clothes and money. I work part time and the rest of my time is helping him function. We live on the beach and he spends all day morning and evening in water and in the sun. He is always burned to a crisp bc refuses sun screen. Loses surfboards fishing poles etc..he has a counselor but sees no need to work w him or apply any techniques to help himself function better. He will enter HS for a very short day this Fall bc he is so behind. He was a Star student. Its heart breaking to watch the" post war" destruction and collapse of such a great kid. Yes.... he is a teen but I am a teacher and have other children and this is extreme teen behavior. No drugs or drinking as of yet and we are beyond thankful. He is however unteachable and simply goes from one drama to the next. His arrogance and false bravado scares most kids away. We feel hopeless ! Started Intuniv low dose and he is also on nutritional lithium for moods and low low dose Zoloft 8mg. He is neuro sensitive and we see the effects of most meds pretty quickly but Doc keeps it all low bc he can have negative neuro psych reactions to so many things. I might up the Intuniv to 2mg soon bc no negative reactions but no change in focus either. ADD off the charts and OCD and now throw some ODD in there. Sad and scared for his future.