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  1. My new Pandas rabbit hole is glutamate. I've read the posts on here about it and some recent research. It makes sense that flares could be glutamate storms and that's why NSAIDs (Advil) as glutamate antagonists, can have such an immediate positive effect. We just ran genetic info through Nutrahacker and over and over it says to avoid MSG (glutamate) and to take NAC (as well as other things). Then I looked up glutamate and some interesting info: https://unblindmymind.org The biochemist Katherine Reid reverses her daughters autism with a glutamate-free diet. In some ways it seems like a very restrictive diet, but in the end if you eliminate processed/manufactured foods you can avoid glutamate (even the "natural and organic" foods can contain glutamate). Add glycophosate into the mix (Roundup-use of which has drastically increased in last decade) and it creates a perfect storm. Some have said that the reason a gluten-free diet may work for Pandas kids is really because it reduces glutamate. There is lots of info on glutamate and neuropsychiatric effects. These are just a couple: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24636977 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4756530/ Can some experts chime in? Has anyone else done Nutrahacker (or other sites) and found info on MSG etc? How many Pandas kids have this? Would it make sense to try NAC? I've heard some people have a very bad reaction to it.
  2. I'm just about ready to take the plunge and go gluten free with my son. Last Saturday, when the doctor was going over results, he asked if we ate out much. This is a very rare thing for us to do. He said that MSG could cause high Glutamate and low GABA that showed up in the neurotransmitter test. I've been researching and it seems like there is a connection with MSG and gluten products. Is this right? I'm also beginning to understand that it also occures naturally in our foods such as vegetables and fruits. I'm about ready to plant my own garden. Is it possible to was this stuff off your fruit and vegetable or do you have to buy organic? How do you avoid MSG? Does this show up in food allergy testing? I have been going back and looking at the post I did earlier on Gluten Free. Thanks for all your answers. I have been working on a menu plan but I still lack some confidence in trying to pull this off. Am I dealing with a double edged sword trying to go gluten and MSG free? Is it possible to do both? My son really likes pasta dishes? Can anyone recommend a brand of noodles to try creating mac and cheese and spegittie?
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