Hi! I'm new! I just found this site randomly entering lyme and autism in the search engine, and I'm extremely glad I did!
So, I'm a mother to two children. My youngest has moderate to severe autism; She's 29 months. She is non-verbal and has a lot of sensory issues and stims.
I recently saw a post where a lady mentioned that she had lyme and her child had autism and lyme.
I instinctively knew I most likely had lyme due to a bulls-eyes bite when I was 13 years old. I was very sick for many terrible teen years. I have used several antibiotics for acne and uti's since. I attended medical laboratory school, so I studied lyme. I was told that lyme is usually cured from 30-60 days of antibiotics, but that is controversial. Me, I trusted that knowledge, and I accepted that I had post lyme aches and pains that would probably be with me for life.
After I had my daughter and realized she was mentally disabled by DSM criteria (although I know she knows a lot more than we know), and I read the autism lyme connection...I had to get it bonfide positive or negative. I didn't screw around, I went directly to a LLMD (lyme doctor). I was tested through IGENEX.
Bam, CDC positive lyme. I cried pretty much all week feeling guilty. I also have celiac and hashimoto's and vit d def.
Now here we are, my daughter's blood was drawn for the lyme test along with mercury, manganese, cbcwd, cmp, TSH with T3 and babesia. I could not afford to get the co-infection panel through IGENEX.
They had a of a time drawing her because she's tiny and so young. They probed her and barely got enough blood. It was HORRIBLE!
I should get the results in 2-3 weeks. I will report back!
Question: Do you think that long term abx will treat her lyme and in return, help her recover from severe autism?
Any other suggestions?