Daughter has not been on abx until one week ago. She is newly treated by llmd and was found to have lyme, babesia and erhlichia all on labcorp. she has bartonella rash, elevated titers for ebv, hhv-6, has MARCoNS, gut parasite and PANS.
I am not sure how much is Bart, herxing and/or autoimmune encephalitis. Question is should we try IVIG right off the bat OR do we need to get some infections down?
Daughter has been sick,homebound for over 2yrs diagnosed with POTS, MCAD. she is going to be 17. pretty sure our llmd plans on using IVIG all along I just wonder timing? did some of you wait and wish you hadn't, etc???
fighting with insurance company already they are not paying for phone consults. our dr is in northern calif. travel is almost impossible right now...
ps biggest symptoms are rage, ocd, pretty much all the neurpsych stuff. daughter has huge pupils!!!