hi all, my son just got his 3rd HD IVIG and he has gotten worse and worse over the past three months, it is just unbearable, tics have become so severe and non stop, rages more violent and OCD/fears worse.... was hoping the IVIG was going to turn around the PANS and get his immune system working right, he has CVID and low igM. He has chronic lyme and bart and just found out roundworm, blastocycstis (protozoa) and major yeast going on and chronic chlostridia and reoccurring other infections in the gut along with I think major yeast overgrowth and virus's.... been treating all these for so many years I have lost track ..... any recommendations, I cant stop crying I am so heartbroken for him. psych meds have just made things worse too. I don't know whether to continue with the IVIG or not.