yesterday I had a long talk to immunologist doc. here in our country He was treating one 17 yo pandas boy. Tried IVIG; abx; Pex, had medicine for lyme and bartonella also...nothing was working, the boy didn't improve.he was better for a while but than again all his ocd and tics came back again.
This doctor opinion is: ONLY in a early stage pandas can be improved with abx and IVIG or pex. If you start treating pandas years after first symptoms, the children can not be helped. hi said that the brain damage is allreday to big to be fixed;it's permanent, and that there is nothing else to help..
Is it really so? Are there some sucsessfull stories in treating pandas years after first symptoms?
my son is 13; 2 IVIGs didn't helped him, so I'm really kind of hopeless, aspecialy after what this doc.told me