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My 8 yr old daughter had sudden onset of OCD symptoms in Dec. of 2012. We met with Dr.K and he did bloodwk (titers and dnase) all normal, and then 14 day round of augmentum where we saw significant improvement in her OCD behavior. He would like for her to do IVIG. The surgical location he would like to do it at does not accept our insurance. We then found a local immunologist who was willing to do whatever tests I wanted to check for other infections. I brought him Dr. T's list of suggested tests...Here are the results. The immunologist found nothing to be problematic in his opinion except for the vit D (referred me to my PCP) and didn't know what to do with the reverse T3, serum results . I am wondering if I should be reading more into the results or take his word for it. Does anyone see something different, and where do you think I should go from here? STREP PNEUMO TYPE... 1-0.55 Immunoglobulin A, QN, Serum - 98 3-0.23 Immunoglobulin M, QN, Serum - 189 4-0.21 Immunoglobulin E, Total - 2 8-0.35 Immunolglobulin G, QN, Serum - 907 9-0.26 IGG, Subclass 1 - 504 12-0.37 IGG Subclass 2 - 348 14-<0.68 IGG Subclass 3 - 25 19-4.90 IGG Subclass 4 - 32 23-14.47 26-16.44 Tetanus Antitoxoid IGG AB - 0.36 51-4.45 56-1.19 Diptheria Antitoxoid AB - 0.54 57-6.87 68-0.97 Lyme IGG/IGM AB - <0.91 Lyme AB INTERP.,EIA - Neg Lyme Disease AB, QUANT, IGM - <0.91 Lyme AB IGM INTERP., EIA - Neg Antinuclear Antibodies Direct - Neg EBV Early Antigen AB, IGG - <0.2 TSH - 2.100 EBV AB VCA, IGG - <0.2 Reverse T3, SERUM - 31.0 EBV Nuclear Antigen AB, IGG - <0.2 M Pneumoniae IGG ABS - 962 M Pneumoniae IGM ABS - <770 Ferritin - 37 Calitriol(1, 25, DI-OH VIT D) - 62.7 Vitamin D, 25-HYDROXY - 23.8 Ceruloplasmin - 24.9 CBC Differential W Platelet- ALL Normal Bartonella: B. Henselae IGG, IGM - Both Neg B. Quintana IGG, IGM - Both neg Ehrlichia AB Panel - ALL neg Enterovirus (ALL Coxsackies and Poliovirus) - Neg Diptheria Immune status - 0.5 Haemophilus Influenzae B IGG - 0.21 Tetanus Immune Status - 0.4 Strep Grp A CUL-SCR - Neg