DS 12 PANS/ Bart. Two years on varios treatment. First year anti B's second year naturals. Things are settled down a bit and we are no longer homebound. Doing Byron White, Abart, Zithromax helps PANS symptom's and allows me to use the herbs with more success. Without it, he reacts to everything neuro- psychiatrically. We need to get him back in school. He has done nothing in two years and it's time but he cant seem to think on school work for more than 20 minutes a day. Plays Vgames and seems well but school work equals stress and no go!! First on the journey we tried SSRI's and a few other things to calm his thinking. They all explode on us. He get's anxiety. But that was two years ago and ready to try again. What non stimulant has anyone had that works for focus. he just says he cant focus ever on learning. Was honor student.