Hoping the wonderful folks on this forum might share thier insights with me since we have absolutely no preconceived ideas about how this is going to map out for our boy, and Dr. L didn't give us any expections
We are at GTUH for DS13s PEX and yesterday was 'day 1'. About an hour after he was done the itching sensation he has all his waking moments (moves all over body, considered a tic) amped up to insane intensity and he started to jerk and twitch, which I havent seen him do for months and months. Now he's super worried he's going to get worse and worse with the next 2 treatments to come. He woke at 3AM w/ vital signs check and was just sobbing he feels so bad, stess level is soaring and anxieties ramping of course too.
Has anyone else seen a child react similarly w/ PEX? He has been diagnosed w/ Lyme and/or coinfections due to a bullseye rash following an unknown bug bite 2 months pre-PANDAS crash, but neg on CDC and IgenX tests, but bands found seem to indicate he's 'had' the infection...almost 5 months on Klinhardts Lyme protocol and 7 months on minocycline per Dr.T are only treatments so far but we do have a LLND on our team.
Thank you for anyone's thoughts, means a lot to us.