I have never posted before, but I have not read anything about reacting to Mg the way my son did today. I have 2 Ds with PANDAS and we have mostly been using chiropractic, fish oil as treatment with good results. They do still have some symptoms and so I decided to try Mg citrate for my Ds 8. I gave him 280mg and about 20 minutes later he appeared to be tripping. I don't have any experience with drugs, but my husband had friends in college that did some drugs and he said it was very similar. He had a sudden feeling that something bad would happen and he looked pale. Then he started talking about how he gets clues and they led to God and heaven. And then he said that since he was little he has known that he was going to do something special in his life like Harriet Tubman who helped the slaves or create something very important. His coloring came back and his ears became red and hot, also. This was all very unlike him and my husband is convinced that it was like a high from the Mg. it has been a few hours now and he said he still feels "weird". Has anyone seen this happen with Mg? Thanks.