Hello I'm new here I went to psych and I was snapping my fingers and slapping my belly and he asked me if anyone had ever said that I might have Tourette's syndrome I said no he also asked my mom she said no I have imtellectual disability I have a cousin that had ADHD my aunt said they believe some of her grand kids have it I am adopted my adopted aunts believe I have ADHD and OCD I can't read good or spell good I can't do math at all I was passed on d and f in school I have out burst of anger I throw a chair through the house window and was talking to ex girlfriend and through a small brick through the window I use Siri to search google when I can't spell a word I have what I think are tics I smell my fingers I make weird noises I have this sound that comes from my throat sound like a hissing sound do you all think I could have Tourette's and ADHD OCD as well