Dd is about 95% after >1 year of treatment, combination of supplements, antibiotics, and Samento, We are dealing with Lyme, Bart, Strep, Mycoplasma and MTHFR 677T one copy, and an immune issue called Mannose Binding Lechtin Deficiency (basically her immune system has no quarterbacks to hold virus/bacteria off before the defense kicks in). I added 1 drop of Banderol because I have read great things about the Banderol/Samento combo and on the suggestion of our integrative doc instead of Cumanda. I noticed she started to have a daily crying bout, however we have seen this herx before and it was pretty mild so I plowed through. I really thought we were just about out of the woods with Lyme.Then I took her off abx late last week. Last night she told me not to read her diary so of course I did and there was a one pager from 04-09 talking about suicide (interestingly, decent handwriting and not PANDAS scrawl that we had last year). Have not seen this in about a year!!!!!!
Two subsequent normal entries, from 04-09 and 04-10. Happy today as usual, skipping and nice to sister. of course I have discontinued Banderol and put her right back on the abx today, and will monitor entries. Ugh! Will this insidious disease ever go away?