I think I posted this question before but gonna do it again.
My son has chronic infections his whole life. He has been improving dramatically over the last 3 years under PANDAS treatment except for one thing.
Impetigo on scalp. It cycles and is resistant.
The blisters have been cultured and do not show to be resistent when grown in lab but I am here to tell you they are since 2010.
He is treated with oral antibiotics that work while taking it (keflex) then it returns.
He is treated with topcial clindamycin which works only while on his head if you give even one day a break the infection is back.
All the specialists agree it is strange to see impetigo on scalp that it typically comes from your nose and spreads around your mouth because that is where the bacteria finds a home but not with my son.
It's on his scalp and also incidentally the lymph node behind his right ear that had finally gone away is back.
Is this lyme? Is this why he cannot hit 95% ?
Would Goldenseal or Lysine be worth a try? Anyone else experience this?