My dd 14 has had PANS since age 6. Was misdiagnosed until age 11 when she started antibiotic therapy which we saw a great improvement. She continues to have flares with every illness, even when she is around someone who is sick. Prednisone works great for those flares, but symptoms return when she is triggered again. Last winter she had 5 prednisone bursts.We decided to seek out IVIG for her but am getting conflicting veiws as to whether IVIG will work to stop the autoimmune process. Has anyone had success with HD long term ( 1X month for 6 months) IVIG to stop the autoimmune process? I spoke to a different doctor who said IVIG would be useless since she has had it for so long. She is perfectly healthy in between flares. We have even considered plasma exchange. The winter months are for her. Has anyone had sucess with this after their child has been ill for so long?