Hi all,
I am just looking at Dd's latest labs. She is 7 and we are dealing with PANDAS, Lyme, Bartonella, & Mycoplasma. Strep numbers have steadily gone down and are now in normal range. Myco is still slightly elevated and she is no longer testing positive for Bart. She is still coming up positive on IGenex for Lyme. Currently she is on a combo of 3 abx but she has been in a flair since November. She is functional, does well in school, but struggles with OCD, fatigue, tics, sleep difficulties, and moodiness. We just completed new allergy testing and she will begin allergy shots within the week.
Her last labs showed the following:
Iga, Subclasses (1-2)
1- 41.0 - low
2- 2.3 - low
Igg, Subclasses (1-4)
Immunoglobulin G, Qn, Serum. - 723 - normal
Igg subclass 1 - 375 - low
Subclass 2 - 193 - normal
Subclass 3 - 69 - normal
subclasses 4 - 36 - normal
Immunoglobulins A/G/M, Qn, Ser
Immunoglobulin A Qn - 49 - low
Immunoglobulin M Qn - 42 - normal
Pneumococcal Im (14 Serotype)
* not going to type out the 14 numbers but dd came up low in 11/14 types.
I'm not sure what all of this means and I did not have copies of my own when we saw the dr. He thinks if we don't see positive improvement with allergy shots then we need to seriously consider IVIG at this point.
Can anyone tell me what some of these numbers mean? Any feedback will be appreciated !
Thanks so much,